

Supporting the Local Economy   We are your top resource for locally owned businesses in Northeast Ohio. We write and host content regarding local events, news, and economic updates to help support our local business community. Community strength starts with local...

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Local Massotherapist Re-Launching Post Quarantine

In an effort to connect and check in with local business owners in Northeast Ohio over the past few months, we recently had the pleasure of meeting a local member of the Latino business community, Patricia Espino Mellon. Patricia offers massotherapy services on both an individual basis as well as corporate packages to promote wellness in the workplace.

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Preventing Disasters at Home this Fall

The place you call home is somewhere you should always feel a sense of safety and comfort. You probably have an alarm system or locks in place to prevent others from coming to destroy that sense of safety, but disasters at home are often the result of natural causes, plumbing, electrical issues. There are practices that can be put in place to help prevent disasters from interrupting this fall, so come winter the only intrusion you will have is Santa coming down your chimney. 

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COVID Cleaning for Your NE Ohio Business

The main talking point over the last year: COVID. This virus has affected everyone in one way or another. What precautions have you been taking to ensure the safety of you and your staff and loved ones? Behind the scenes, businesses of every kind have been faced with the challenge of keeping staff and customers safe, as well as keeping the locations clean. Explore what businesses in NE Ohio are doing to do their part in stopping the spread of COVID. 

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Keeping Your Business Clean in the COVID Era

Being a business owner is stressful. Nowadays, business owners have a whole new slew of problems to deal with stemming from COVID. Not only do you have to worry about day to day operations to keep your business afloat, now you have to contend with a new priority: ensuring the safety of your customers and staff.

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Is Strength Training Different for Men and Women?

It’s a question that many assume they already know the answer to. Of course men and women are physiologically different, meaning that there will be differences in how they need to care for their bodies and increase their strength. The reality is, however, that most of strength training is going to be identical for men and women. However, there are a few notable differences.

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Protecting Dog Paws in the Winter

NORTHEAST Ohio in winter – it is cold. Very, very cold. The daily walkies for you and your beloved dog suddenly become rather shorter than normal.

While you wrap up warm and pull on the boots ready for the stroll and your pet pooch to do their business, remember your dog will feel the cold too.

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A Loved One Has Passed, Now What?

WHEN a loved one dies, not only are family members left with grieving to do, but also a very long laundry list of tasks to accomplish. And for many people, it is only when they find themselves in this situation, they begin to find out all the things that must be done to tidy up their loved one’s affairs.

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Preventing Fleas and Ticks on Your Pet in Northeast Ohio

AS the weather warms up and our gardens spring into life, so do Ohio’s ticks.

And tick bites are not pleasant for our furry friends – or for their owners. While the bite itself is more of an irritant than a serious problem, the diseases that can come with a tick bite are a different matter altogether.

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Why You Should Avoid Online Will Writing Services

Will writing is an extremely complex and personal process and while the internet is known for simplifying, your will is something that you shouldn’t take shortcuts on. You should be the number one priority to whoever is writing your will and they should have experience in doing so and no matter how much we love the internet, it doesn’t quite have your best interests at heart. 

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Tips and Tricks to Reduce Moving Stress

Congratulations! You landed that better job in a great new city, you found the perfect apartment after months of searching, or you’ve just closed on the home of your dreams. This is an exciting time and you’re probably more than ready to make the leap, but getting to...

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Creatively Using Studio Space to Stage Photoshoots

A picture is worth a thousand words. This phrase began 99 years ago and is still used to this day because it is so true. Seeing is believing, I’ll believe it when I see it, Actions speak louder than words, Don’t tell me – Show me. All of these are commonly used and refer to the point that seeing something means and says so much more than words ever could. Photography is a huge industry, one of the biggest in the world, used by individuals, families, businesses, celebrities, and really just everyone. When getting pictures done, or photographing others, you are looking for that “WOW” factor. The photo that truly captures its subject in an original and beautiful way. 

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Winter Insurance Claims in NEO

Spring is finally here, though, in Northeast Ohio, that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of snow and winter storms. Winter storms can wreak havoc on your home and it is important to know what is covered by your insurance policy so you are not left footing the bill for damages done.

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Tips on Becoming More Adventurous with Cooking

WHAT is for dinner tonight? A question asked every day, and we find ourselves looking in the fridge to see what we can throw together with minimal fuss. But in our busy lives, we soon find ourselves falling back on the same handful of quick and easy staples we build into our repertoire.

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How Does Stretching Prevent Injury and Muscle Fatigue

Stretching is an essential exercise to ensure your body is remaining injury-free. Although it may seem like an activity only exceptionally active people need to partake in, it is important for everyone to stretch daily. Taking the time to stretch out your muscles will help prevent injury by keeping your body loose and preparing it for physical activity throughout the day. 

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Sinking Foundations: Causes and Warning Signs

How often do you come across cracks or small changes in the foundation of your home? These small differences can be a bigger deal than you may think. It’s important to know the warning signs and causes of your foundation sinking in order to prevent bigger problems in the future.

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Fun Family Activities in Northeast Ohio

Northeast Ohio is home to plenty of fun summertime activities that are great for the whole family! No matter what kind of activities you’re looking for, it’s never a struggle to find something to do, indoors or outdoors, especially when spending time with the whole family.

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5 Fire Safety Tips for Your Summer Barbecue

Summer is upon us, and with more and more Ohioans getting the COVID-19 vaccine every day, that can only mean one thing– summer barbeques will be happening soon. While barbecuing in the backyard with a few friends and family members sounds like good, harmless fun, but grills are one of the leading causes of summer house fires and can get out of hand quickly if you don’t follow safe grilling practices. With that in mind, here are some tips and tricks to stay safe while grilling this summer.

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Northeast Ohio’s Oldest Cemeteries

Many people only visit cemeteries to bury their dead and visit gravesites periodically. But have you ever walked through a cemetery just because? It can be peaceful and really interesting. Admiring the many headstones, and reading the names, dates, and epitaphs of the deceased. It’s interesting to think about what those people saw during their lives.

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Benefits of Dyed Concrete

Dying clothes, hair, fabric, even hard boiled eggs during Easter are all common occurrences used to enhance the look of whatever medium it is being applied to. Dying concrete however – is a comparatively new method and is continuously growing in popularity.

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April Showers bring May Storm Damage

Everyone knows the saying “April Showers bring May Flowers.” After a long and brutal winter, April showers can be music to your ears, but along with the showers usually comes the storm. No matter where you live, inclement weather can affect you with little warning.

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Think Photographers Are Overpriced? Take a Look at What You’re Paying for and Why It’s Worth the Cost

Most people don’t hire photographers regularly. Maybe a few times in a lifetime, usually just for weddings and milestone birthdays and anniversaries. Some businesses will hire photographers for their websites and promotional materials. But hiring a professional photographer is not a common practice for most of us. So it’s no wonder our eyes bulge out when we see photographers’ rates.

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