While the holiday season is a time for joy and cheer, it can also be stressful. It can help to spend mental time reflecting on your life in the past year and discovering where things went well and what could be better.

Journaling provides the space to write honestly without judgment and to spend time thinking about ourselves gently.

Journaling provides many benefits to the human body and brain. With the following journal prompts, you can ignite transformative thinking, whether you focus on a childhood dream or your life purpose.

While getting a therapist to regularly listen is powerful, you can journal anytime and anywhere. Take a look at these introspective prompts, designed to help you elevate your perspective.

1. What Makes Me Special? Which of My Qualities am I Grateful For?

It’s sometimes easy to feel hopelessly confused during the holiday season. Stress from an ending work calendar and holiday shopping can cause anxiety.

Reflecting on the parts of yourself that you’re grateful for is a powerful notion. Everyone has something that makes them unique.

Convincing yourself that you have no special qualities is your own lie that you tell yourself. Explore what makes you unique through gratitude.

2. Why Do People Love Me, and What Do I Love About People?

Similarly to reflecting on your qualities, ask yourself what you love about others.

One of the best parts of holidays is joining with family and friends to celebrate together. Reflecting on this ahead of time can teach you a lot about yourself.

During these reflections, observe what qualities you admire in other people. Are these qualities you want to embrace yourself, or are they unique to that person?

What do you think other people love about you? Approaching your reflection from an external perspective can help you accept compliments authentically.

3. Which Dreams Do I Let Go? What is Worth Working Towards?

We’ve all had childhood dreams about becoming an astronaut or a princess. While it might sound grim, letting go of old dreams isn’t necessarily bad.

Relinquishing old dreams makes space for new ones.

Reflecting on your passions and goals is equally important to understand what dreams are worth fighting for during your life. Think about what you’re willing to sacrifice and struggle to achieve.

4. What Would I Do if Money or Other People Weren’t a Factor?

The pressures of financial spending and other people’s opinions can be costly stressors. Often, these obstacles stop us from doing what we love.

To achieve a passion-fueled life, you must remove obstacles and consider yourself unfiltered and uninhibited.

Try journaling about your desires without judgment or expectation. This practice is a powerful form of manifestation.

5. When Did I Feel the Most Joy? Why?

We all want to be happy in life. However, sometimes it’s difficult to remember or understand the source of our joy without reflection. Think about times you were the most joyful and jot down a brief explanation of what caused this feeling.

Boost Your Holiday Cheer with Mental Health Services 

Whether you’re struggling with seasonal depression or looking for a therapist to help you elevate your perspective, we can help. Connect with local mental health professionals to take advantage of counseling services so you can make the most of your mental health during this holiday season.