Many times when you begin planning a bonfire, backyard cookout, or camping trip, you probably plan to make hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire– after all, they’re the quintessential American foods of summer and bonfires, right? But have you ever wondered what else you could cook over the fire at your next cookout or camping trip? 



Fire-roasted fruit is a delicious, often overlooked summertime treat. Pineapple is a popular choice for this (likely due in part to the popularity of grilled pineapple), but just about any fruit will taste good over the fire! We recommend trying apples, peaches, or even bananas. Just put them on a stick and let the fire do the rest. This is a great snack, but simply adding a scoop of your favorite ice cream could make it dessert!

Bacon and Eggs

Bacon is definitely a well-known favorite in the breakfast department. But have you ever been out camping and wished there was an easy way to cook the perfect bacon? There is– with the campfire, of course! And better yet, you can cook your eggs on the fire, too. Simply wrap each strip around a roasting stick for the bacon and let it cook over hot coals. How do you cook an egg over a fire, you ask? If you’ve got an orange laying around, scoop out the fruit and the peel can be used as a basket for cooking your egg– all you have to do is skewer your orange peel and crack the egg into it!


Meat and Vegetables

While grilling is the traditional way to make kebabs, it’s certainly not the only way. All you have to do is skewer your meats and veggies on your roasting stick and roast them over the fire! As with traditional shish kebabs, the options are practically endless– you can even get extra creative and throw some of your fire-roasted fruit on there!

Grilled Cheese

Yes, it’s possible to make even your pickiest eater happy at your cookout– who doesn’t love grilled cheese? Luckily for that picky eater, you can purchase cast-iron roasters that are great for making sandwiches over the fire– just put a slice of cheese in between two pieces of bread, put it in the roaster, and let it cook over the fire! If you don’t have a cast-iron roaster, this can also be done by balancing the sandwich on a couple of roasting sticks– just be careful not to lose your sandwich in the fire! 

As you can see, the options are practically endless when it comes to cooking over the fire– almost anything is better in the summer with that slight smoky taste! Of course, that doesn’t mean your food doesn’t still need to be spiced up a little. Check out Julia Belle’s Seasonings to find the perfect seasonings to use at your next bonfire or cookout!