No matter what work environment you are in, chances are you and your team will need a relaxing retreat. Stepping away from the office together will allow you to think about your work in a new light. When scheduling a retreat, it is important to consider how far from work you want to step, both in terms of location and activities.

Topics to Talk About

The first item to consider when scheduling a retreat is to think about what you want to get out of the meeting. The most common approach is simply to deepen the bond between you and your team. This is done simply through relaxing and spending time with one another. Another approach is to get new ideas for a project. The best way to do this is working through the day and relaxing at night. This will still allow you to get to spend time with your team, but with a more work-centered approach.

Selecting the Length of Your Stay

Next up, you should decide how long you are going to take a trip away from the office. If you are going for a weekend, this would be a great opportunity to work on team bonding. For a longer stay, you could think of a new approach to a trying project. Being in a new space may spark new ideas that you may not have had in your traditional workspace. 

Picking a Place

Selecting your location may be one of the most difficult parts of scheduling your office retreat. If you are looking to stay in Ohio, you could visit one of the three C’s: Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati. To get out of the state but not travel too far, you could visit Pennsylvania or West Virginia. If you are looking for a warmer place to stay, we suggest Florida or California.

Ask Your Team

The most important part of your retreat is your team. Make sure that you get their input. By doing so, you will all be able to get the most out of your trip.

Planning a retreat for your office is a great way to work in a new setting. Planning the retreat may be stressful, so investing in a travel agent will make your life a little bit less stressful. Taking a retreat with your team will be priceless, so doing it the best way you can will make it impactful long after you return to the office.