While many homeowners look forward to saying goodbye to summer pests like flies and mosquitos, many forget that fall still features various spiders, insects, and other creepy crawlies.

During fall, some pests thrive. If your home experiences significant pest problems, you’ll want to know how to identify the right perimeter pest control treatments to eliminate these bugs. Protect your house from these six fall bugs with Northeast Ohio perimeter pest control services.


Grubs are milky white, tiny worm-like creatures that are larvae of certain beetle species. These bugs feed on the roots and weeds of your grass, leaving your landscaping damaged and unattractive. If you notice brown patches of grass, loose foliage, or birds and other animals digging in certain parts of your yard, you might need a perimeter pest control treatment.

Treatment for grubs involves either natural solutions like beneficial nematodes or chemical solutions like pesticides. You can also try to prevent grubs by applying preventative liquid insecticide containing boric acid, watering your lawn less in the summer, or reseeding your lawn. Protecting your property is crucial, so don’t hesitate to enlist pest control if you’re unsure which protection method is best for your yard.


Armyworms are one of the most threatening potential pests for your lawn. Because they move in packs and feed on grass, an armyworm infestation can quickly kill your lawn. If you notice sudden large brown patches in your lawn or some blades of grass appear transparent, it might be time to treat your yard for armyworms.

You can test for armyworms by mixing three tablespoons of dish soap with one gallon of water, pouring it on the soil, and seeing if the pests emerge. If they do, call pest control experts for help. Both beneficial nematodes and pest control products work on these worms.


Cutworms can appear in your yard anytime but are especially prevalent in the fall. These two-inch worms can eat through almost any type of grass and wreak havoc on your family garden. Finding cutworms means it’s time for a perimeter pest control service from experienced technicians.

Similar solutions exist for this pest problem as those above, but you can also apply diatomaceous earth to your yard. This substance kills these bugs immediately.


shadow of ant against light background

Ants come in many varieties, none of which are pleasant. Not only can they sting you, but certain species, like the odorous house ant, can make your property much more unpleasant. While ants seem like summer insects, they won’t emerge when the temperature is over 90 degrees and are active in the fall.

Although they won’t damage your lawn, their bites and presence are a significant nuisance. Certain ants chew through wood piles like termites, proving problematic for your home’s perimeter structure. Therefore, it is much more likely that you will have to employ a perimeter pest control service for ants in the fall.


Because of the inconsistency of fall temperatures, don’t be fooled into thinking that fleas are only a problem in the summer. These pests drive your pets mad and make life as a pet owner much more frustrating. Luckily many treatments exist to help get rid of fleas; check with your local veterinarian.


Ticks are equally prevalent and dangerous insects. Usually hiding on the perimeter of woodland or grassy areas, these insects can also infest your yard. If you discover these bugs, treat your yard immediately with a perimeter pest control service.

Pest Control Services Northeast Ohio

For more information about the best Northeast Ohio perimeter pest control handling everything from bed bugs to spiders, visit Northeast Ohio Local.