As the winter months approach, those that suffer from arthritis may be dreading the colder weather and the increased pain that can come with it. But there is hope! Yoga is a great way to combat arthritis pain, and there are certain poses that are particularly helpful for this. In this blog post, we’ll share three yoga poses that can help ease arthritis symptoms during the winter months. So grab your mat and get started!

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Yoga has been a powerful tool in aiding the management of arthritis for decades. Certain poses can be tailor-made to achieve maximum efficacy. To start off, mountain pose (or Tadasana) is an ideal choice for providing relief from pain and discomfort in the joints when you’re dealing with arthritis. By doing this pose correctly, it helps to eliminate tension from your hips, chest, and shoulders – all of which are common hotspots for chronic pain from arthritis. 

To perform mountain pose, stand with your feet hip-distance apart, your body weight distributed evenly through the four corners of your feet. Allow your arms to rest at your sides and draw both shoulder blades down toward your waist. Lift your chest and draw in the lower ribs, allowing a lengthening sensation to be felt through the spine and neck. Hold for several breaths before releasing and returning to a neutral standing position. 

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

The bridge pose (or Setubandha Sarvangasana) follows next; by performing it correctly, you increase flexibility in the spine while also strengthening the hips and thighs – areas affected by arthritis flare-ups. 

Getting into the pose is simple; begin lying on your back with knees bent and feet hip-distance apart, arms alongside your body. Take a deep breath in and press your feet into the ground to lift your hips up towards the sky, ensuring both shoulders are firmly planted. Hold this position as you feel yourself stretching and allow yourself to relax in the posture. Finally, exhale and gently lower back down while being mindful of how you’re feeling afterward. In addition to helping relieve arthritic pain, practicing bridge pose regularly could help improve flexibility, reduce anxiety, improve digestion, and more.

Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Finally, we have the corpse pose (or Savasana), which helps to reduce inflammation through proper breathing that relaxes both body and mind. 

To begin, lay on your back with your legs uncrossed and feet hip-width apart. Allow your arms to lay at rest by your side, with the palms facing upward. Your focus should be on stillness and breathing. As you let go of tense muscles and thoughts, allow yourself to sink into the comfort of the mat below you. Allow your breath to flow in an even rhythm until all stress just melts away in this calming yoga practice.

These three yoga poses – mountain pose, bridge pose, and corpse pose – target key areas that are negatively and frequently impacted by arthritis, ultimately helping to alleviate its symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

The winter often brings a lot of holiday-related joy and fun but also brings bitter cold and snow. If you’re looking to reduce the impact these weather changes have on your arthritis symptoms, try yoga. All of these basic yoga poses can be done at home with no equipment necessary – all you need is a mat! So next time your arthritis flares up this winter season, take a moment and try out some simple yoga poses to help ease your pain. Or try a hot yoga session at a studio near you.