
Although it may appear to be easier, online will writing is not always the best option. You could be missing out on important details that can only be expressed in face-to-face interaction. Will writing is an extremely complex and personal process and while the internet is known for simplifying, your will is something that you shouldn’t take shortcuts on. You should be the number one priority to whoever is writing your will and they should have experience in doing so and no matter how much we love the internet, it doesn’t quite have your best interests at heart. 

Key reasons to avoid online will writing services:

Know who you are working with.

While filling in blanks in silence to complete this task in 15 minutes sounds appealing to most, you will be missing out on the important factor of personalized advice. It is essential to look for someone who specializes in will writing.  An experienced estate planning attorney knows what questions to ask to make sure you’re fully covered. The more complex your estate, the more important it is to make sure you’ve filled all your gaps. Working with someone who has experience will allow you the peace of mind that your last wishes will be executed exactly as you’d like.  


Have the option to customize.

Many online will writing services have very few options to edit your plan. Whether that be drop-down menus or pre-written responses. What about an advance medical directive, living trust, or financial power of attorney? You may not know whether you need more documents in addition to your will using an online service. Meeting with a lawyer in person allows you to make sure your will is personalized to you as an individual and is exactly what you need to feel comfortable.

Receive assistance in making tough decisions.

Sometimes it is hard to know exactly what you need. Working with a professional allows you have a real conversation about a hard topic. One role of an attorney is to help you think through worst-case scenarios and poke holes in the first draft of your will. Did you think of everything that should be in your will? Are you sure? How sure? This is something that you will not be able to find on will-writing websites. Having a genuine discussion will help you decide how you want to distribute things amongst your loved ones. 

Writing your will is a hard task, but it is necessary. It is better to take the time to diligently write your will with a vetted professional than to rush through the process on an online website. If you do not have a will written yet, there is no time like the present. It is always best to be prepared so you do not have to make any rushed decisions or leave your family with the burden. RM Nelson Law has over 40 years of experience and their professional attorneys work diligently to provide you with the helpful legal services you need to ensure all of your affairs are settled prior to passing away. Contact them today to schedule a consultation to get started.