Stretching is an essential exercise to ensure your body is remaining injury-free. Although it may seem like an activity only exceptionally active people need to partake in, it is important for everyone to stretch daily. Taking the time to stretch out your muscles will help prevent injury by keeping your body loose and preparing it for physical activity throughout the day. 


Muscle Benefits

Stretching helps your muscles loosen up. This eliminates cold muscles, which are much more likely to cause damage. Cold muscles are much weaker than muscles that have been stretched. They are also not able to be extended as far, typically resulting in strained muscles. Regularly stretching the muscles in your legs, such as calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps are vital to preventing injuries. These muscles make up a large number of your legs, which typically have a heavy toll on them in day-to-day actions.

Joint Benefits 

Joints are also positively impacted by stretching daily. They will benefit from an increase in their mobility. The more flexible a joint is, the more blood flow there is. An increased amount of blood flow helps your joints move freely with a greater range of motion. Some of the most important joints to stretch are your hips and knees since they carry a great deal of your weight, forcing them to be used daily. 


How to Start?

Knowing when to begin stretching may seem a little bit scary, but is actually quite simple. There is no time like the present! If you are not already stretching daily, it is ideal to begin as soon as possible. Taking the time to stretch in the morning before your day begins is going to help alleviate much of the pain and tension you may typically experience in your daily routine. Try stretching out your body before you get your day started tomorrow!

It may be difficult to know exactly what you need to focus on stretching since everyone’s body is different. The best thing to do is contact a professional to help decide what you should incorporate into your daily routine. In addition, consider having a professional massage to help remove the tension that has been building up in your body. Contact Holistic Massotherapy & Wellness to schedule an appointment to get your body feeling refreshed! Remember that stretching is a daily habit that will help to keep your body healthy and injury-free.