Winter time can seem endless in Ohio, with the 7 day forecast showing miserable 20 degrees and under for weeks at a time. You know what these temperatures do to you physically if not properly prepared and bundled, but what about your home?


Northeast Ohio experiences periods of severely cold weather and is susceptible to snow and ice storms—extreme conditions that can inflict considerable damage on homes. Standard homeowners policies will cover most disasters that result from a freeze—but when the weather outside is frightful, it’s better to minimize the potential risks instead of trying to fix them in these freezing conditions.  Here’s How.  

Inside the House: 

  • Keep your house heated to a minimum of 65 degrees. The temperature inside the walls where the pipes are located is substantially colder than the walls themselves. Anything below 65 degrees may not stop inside walls from freezing. 

  • Check the location for the main water shutoff in your home. Make sure you know where it is and how it works, before you need it in an emergency. 

  • Open hot and cold faucets enough to let them drip slowly. In severely frigid temperatures, keeping water moving within the pipes will help prevent freezing. This can happen faster than you may think. 

  • Check that fireplaces, space heaters, wood burners, etc. are working properly. Especially for the first use of the season. Be sure you are following all safety precautions when operating anything heating your home. Use the 3 ft rule to keep yourself, children, pets, and anything flammable away from these potential fire hazards. 

  • Keep your fireplace flue closed when you’re not using it.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you plan on leaving your house for more than 24 hours, take the necessary precautions to prevent freezing and bursting pipes. It’s a good idea to have a neighbor or friend keep an eye out for you. The quicker you take action the less damage will happen. 

Outside the House:

Snow and ice are damaging to your roof and gutters. Vigilance is key during freezing weather—stay ahead of the potential hazards outside your home!

  • Keep sidewalks and entrances to your home free from snow and ice

  • Watch for ice dams near gutter downspouts. Ice dams can cause water to build up and seep into your house. Clear gutters of leaves and debris to allow runoff from melting snow and ice to flow freely.

  • Keep your garage doors closed. This will prevent weather damage to whatever’s stored in there and keep more heat in if attached. 

  • Check repeatedly for dead, damaged, or dangerous tree branches, and remove. Ice, snow, and wind can wreak havoc on even the most sturdy looking trees, once stressed they can be a huge hazard to your home, car, or person. 

Sometimes, the unfortunate happens despite your vigilance and precautions – but a quick response can help minimize potential damage. In the event of a problem: 

  • Don’t wait for frozen pipes to burst, take action immediately.

  • First things first. Turn OFF the water!

  • Dry and repair any property water damaged

  • Call your insurance company ASAP to start your claim. 

SERVPRO is guaranteed to be faster to any disaster, with multiple locations and 24/7 emergency service available 1.855.294.7561 should be your FIRST call when disaster strikes.