The main talking point over the last year: COVID. This virus has affected everyone in one way or another. What precautions have you been taking to ensure the safety of you and your staff and loved ones? Behind the scenes, businesses of every kind have been faced with the challenge of keeping staff and customers safe, as well as keeping the locations clean. Explore what businesses in NE Ohio are doing to do their part in stopping the spread of COVID. 

NE Ohio Business Safety Precautions:

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  • Wear a Mask – This means always! If you are in the vicinity of others not in your home you should be wearing a mask at all times.

  • Keep Numbers Limited – Occupancy limits have changed in order to be sure everyone can be a safe distance apart, business owners are tasked with exploring the new occupancy limits specific to their office or establishment and following them. 

  • Enforce SAFE  – Six Away From Everyone. You have seen the tape on the floor and countless signs reminding you to stay six feet from others. Business owners have the new responsibility to create workspaces that will adhere to this rule. 

  • Working Remotely – Whenever possible, working from home has been utilized as the new norm. With Zoom and all other video conferencing platforms, it is now easier than ever to stay connected. 

  • Hand Sanitizer / Thermometers Readily Available – You would be hard-pressed to find a business nowadays that does not have hand sanitizer available as soon as you enter. For the safety of employees and guests, using hand sanitizer is imperative. Thermometers are necessary for employees to take their temperature before beginning work on a given day; while not foolproof this step can help prevent the whole staff from transmitting COVID if it is caught early.

  • Closely follow CDC Guidelines – COVID 19 is new, so no one really has all the information, and there is more being learned daily. Business Owners are staying in the know with all the updates and changes in guidelines and procedures to make sure they are doing everything possible to slow the spread. 

  • Cleaning/Sanitation Schedule – Businesses are stocked up on approved cleaning products and maintaining a schedule for sanitation to help control the spread. There is data pertaining to how long the virus can stay alive on different surfaces, so keeping all surfaces clean and sanitized is necessary. 

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Of the above precautions, sanitation and the consistent cleaning of surfaces within a business space are ultimately some of the most important steps to slowing the spread of the Coronavirus. Here at SERVPRO, we are aware of the challenges faced daily because of this pandemic and are committed to doing our part to help. We are now offering SERVPRO Clean, a defensive and proactive viral pathogen cleaning program backed by our more than fifty years of experience in cleanup and restoration. We have staff trained and experienced in biohazard cleaning and decontamination of all surfaces. We only use EPA-approved and hospital-grade disinfectant products that have been certified for direct food contact. 

We are all in this together! Take the necessary steps and precautions needed to keep you, your loved ones, and everyone else you are in regular contact with safe from the Coronavirus. If you need help or want to ensure you are following procedures put in place by the CDC contact us today at 1-800-SERVPRO for a consultation. We are here for you and your business!