In an effort to connect and check in with local business owners in Northeast Ohio over the past few months, we recently had the pleasure of meeting a local member of the Latino business community, Patricia Espino Mellon. Patricia offers massotherapy services on both an individual basis as well as corporate packages to promote wellness in the workplace.

Patricia has updated us that she’ll be resuming her services shortly in this post-quarantine economy, so we asked her to tell us a bit more about her business. Learn more about Patricia below and what she offers to Northeast Ohioans in the art of therapeutic massage.

My name is Patricia Espino Mellon, I came to the United States of America 6 years ago looking for a better opportunity to improve my life. It has been an interesting and challenging journey. I had to learn a new language, go through a long immigration process and go back to school to get certified as a Massage Therapist in this country. I graduated  in December of 2019 from  Stark State College and opened my own practice in Canton on January 13th of 2020, where I offer my private therapeutic massage sessions to treat different muscular-skeletal conditions. 

I also offer my services for Corporations to give people guidelines to apply during their daily routines at work, which help them to be more conscious about their posture and to make the necessary changes to create an ergonomic environment. I like working as a team with my clients and make them an active part of their healing process, because I think that is the only way they can improve their health in the long term. 

Massage offers a wide variety of physical, mental and emotional benefits. We can not underestimate the power of touch and the positive effects that it has in our bodies. Some of the benefits you can get from Massage therapy are: 

– Lowers your blood pressure, slows your heart rate and boosts your immunity.
– Reduces muscle tension, improves circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system. 
– Reduces the levels of stress hormones, such as Cortisol and Adrenalin, and also increases Endorphins and Dopamine. This is one of the main reason why you feel so relaxed after a massage treatment. 
– Increases joint mobility and flexibility, improves skin tone and improves recovery of soft tissue injuries.
– Reduces anxiety and depression and heightens mental alertness. 

Just looking at this list we can imagine all the medical conditions that can benefit from massage. The  conditions  we can Improve with Massage Therapy are very wide, from muscle stiffness to pain in people with terminal illnesses. Some of them are:

– Physical Pain (such as muscle tension, back pain, neck, shoulders, elbows & knees)
– Myofascial Pain Syndrome
– Rotator Cuff Syndrome 
– Sciatica
– Tennis Elbow
– Frozen Shoulder.
– Muscle sprains and strains
– Sports injuries
– Anxiety, Insomnia and Depression
– Headaches and Migraines
– TMJ dysfunctions.
– Arthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis
– Carpal Tunnel
– Breast Cancer & other types of cancer
– Hypertension
– Asthma & Bronchitis
– Fibromyalgia, and the list continues. 

Tiffany Field, from the Touch Research Institute, who has been conducting studies since 1982 about the effect of touch, and more recently massage in different medical conditions states:

 “In everything we’ve done, massage is significantly effective. There’s not a single condition we’ve looked at—including cancer—that hasn’t responded positively to massage.”

With all this evidence, it is more than clear the important role that Massage Therapy has in the medical field, improving physical, mental and emotional aspects of the patients and clients.  It represents a very effective strategy to improve a wide variety of illnesses and even as a self care and preventive therapeutic tool. 

Give yourself the opportunity of experiencing its wonderful benefits!!!

If you’d like to get in touch with Patricia, we’ve included her contact information below. Feel free to send her an email or visit her website to get more information on her availability, packages and rates. Stay healthy, Ohio, and remember to support our local businesses!

Patricia Espino Mellon LMT
