How to Keep Your Pets Feet Safe on Hot Concrete

If you have pets, you may think of them as your children. You want to make sure that they are protected and living their best lives! Something that can become extremely hot to the point that it can hurt your pets is concrete, but there are ways to make sure your pet’s feet are safe and they live their best lives through the rest of the hot weather!

Foot Coverings!

Just like humans, there are ways to protect their feet from the scorching temperatures of hot pavement outside. Look for dog shoes or “all-terrain” boots for them so that they are protected from blisters or any pad inflammation. It’s important to get the right size and for them to be just right (not too loose but not too tight.) If your dog doesn’t end up liking the shoes, it may be best to take them out earlier in the morning before it gets hot, or after dinner when it’s cooled down a bit! 


Now it’s a little too late for this step this year, but for next spring leading into the summer, it’s important to get your dog acclimated to rough surfaces before the temperatures rise. This will help their paws to be more resistant to damage and toughen them up for when the weather is scorching (like it is around the end of July and throughout August). 

Your pets are important, and while the hot temperatures of concrete can be damaging to them, unlevel concrete can also hurt them, especially if you’re playing fetch and they’re running and they trip. If you’re looking to level your concrete, contact your local leveling expert!