5 Fire Safety Tips for Your Summer Barbecue

Summer is upon us, and with more and more Ohioans getting the COVID-19 vaccine every day, that can only mean one thing– summer barbeques will be happening soon. While barbecuing in the backyard with a few friends and family members sounds like good, harmless...

Benefits of Dyed Concrete

Dying clothes, hair, fabric, even hard boiled eggs during Easter are all common occurrences used to enhance the look of whatever medium it is being applied to.  Dying concrete however – is a comparatively new method and is continuously growing in...

How to Safely Enjoy a Backyard Bonfire

Fall is fast approaching and that means bonfire season is upon us! As much fun as a backyard bonfire with friends and family can be, however, they can also be very dangerous if they get out of control. Here are a few tips to make sure that doesn’t happen!  If...

Why Doesn’t Everyone Like Spicy Food?

If you’re a spicy food lover, you’ve likely wondered why there are so many people who can’t handle the heat. And if you’re one of those people who can’t stand spicy food, you’ve probably found yourself wondering how people could possibly enjoy it. Regardless of which...